What is grasscycling?
Grasscycling is the formal name for leaving your grass clippings on the lawn. Some mower manufacturers also call this "mulching." This simple techniques is less work than bagging your grass clippings and can benefit the health of your lawn over time.
- If possible, adjust your mower to leave a longer blade of grass (about 3").
- Mow often enough that you are trimming 1" or less each time. Do not bag the clippings.
- Try not to cut the grass while it is still wet from rain or sprinklers; wait until it is dry.
- Keep your mower blades sharp.
- If you are concerned about thatch, give the lawn a thorough raking and aeration in the spring.
Mulching mowers are best for grasscycling because they chop grass clippings smaller and blow them down into the turf, but any mower can work. Some manufacturers have kits available that modify older lawn mowers by blocking off the clipping chute.
What composting style does it fit?
Grasscycling works well for both hands-on and hands-off composters that have a lawn. It is the easiest way to deal with grass clippings.
How does it work?
As long as they are not too long, the grass clippings settle in to the turf and break down into the soil below. These clippings provide some nutrients to the lawn and can reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizer by 25% or more after 2 years.
For those that use pesticides on their lawn, grasscycling is safer than trying to compost the clippings.
Got more composting questions? Email the Composting Hotline at [email protected] or leave a message at (306) 931-3249.
Residents of Saskatoon can also use the hotline to request a free home visit from a Compost Coach. Our Coaches can provide composting advice, help you set up a new compost system, or troubleshoot and existing system. Visits typically take 15-45 minutes.