SARCAN Recycling

Since June 1, 1988, SARCAN Recycling has operated Saskatchewan's beverage recycling system. Currently, they have recycled more six billion containers!

SARCAN employs over 900 adults at its 73 depots across Saskatchewan The majority of employees are persons with disabilities or persons who previously received Social Assistance.

Over 86.5% of all deposit-paid, ready-to-serve beverage containers sold in Saskatchewan (341 million annually) are recycled at SARCAN Recycling depots province-wide. These are among the highest return rates anywhere in North America!

For more information, see SARCAN's "About" page

Accepted Containers for Refund

SARCAN Recycling collects and recycles all non-refillable, ready-to-serve beverage containers for deposit refund. These containers include metal, plastic, and glass packaging and juice boxes.

• Soft Drinks • Wine
• Fruit & Vegetable Juices • Liquor
• Iced Tea • Beer & Non-alcoholic Beer
• Fruit Drinks • Mineral & Table Waters


Refund Levels 

Metal cans, plastic bottles, and cartons   juice-boxes 
• 1 to 300 ml 10¢
• 301 to 999 ml 10¢
• 1 litre and over 25¢
pop-bottles po-cans
Glass bottles (except refillable beer bottles)
• 1 to 300 ml 10¢
• 301 to 999 ml 20¢
• 1 litre and over 40¢


• refillable beer bottles - one size (341ml):