Waste Solutions Summit title slide



October 16, 2024  -- Saskatoon
October 22, 2024  -- Regina
October 24, 2024  -- Prince Albert


  • SARCAN's Community Refund Centres - SARCAN Recycling -  Presentation
  • Progress on Packaging and Paper Recycling Program -  Multi-Material Stewardship Western - Presentation
  • Municipal  Waste Diversion Resources Workshop - Recycle Saskatchewan
  • Building the Future from the Past: deconstructing mass timber buildings -- Timberwood Innovations - Presentation
  • Reducing cart contamination -- SWRC -- Presentation

Saskatoon: Material Recovery Centre & Household Hazardous Waste Collection
people in hard hats and vests on a tour

Regina: Crown Shred & Recycling Material Recovery Facility
people in hard hats and vests on a tour

Prince Albert: Huma Terra
people on a tour of a facility

blue green with translucent leaf design



