
SWRC Waste ReForum 2019
Home Grown: Local problems. Local solutions.

April 10 - 12, Sheraton Cavalier Hotel, Saskatoon


Pre-Conference Workshop: Getting People to Recycle Right: A Design Thinking MethodologyStephanie Yong, Facilitator

Opening Keynote: Lessons for Local Communities, (no slides), Dr. Neil Seldman, Institute for Local Self-Reliance

Plenary Session — Local Waste Innovators — Lightning Talks
 Innovators with solutions to local waste issues each had five minutes to present their great idea.                                 

Concurrent Session A: Cooperative Local Solutions

Concurrent Session B: Municipal Tools for Waste Reduction

Concurrent Session C: Food Waste WorkshopLori Nikkel,Second Harvest

Concurrent Session D: Using Technology to Solve Local Waste Problems

Closing Keynote Speaker: Indigenous Perspectives on Sustainability
Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann, University of Saskatchewan

Concurrent Session E: Home Grown Up North 

Concurrent Session F: Evolving Markets, Evolving Responsibilities

Workshop: Conversations with Neil








