SWRC Waste ReForum 2019
Home Grown: Local problems. Local solutions.
April 10 - 12, Sheraton Cavalier Hotel, Saskatoon
Pre-Conference Workshop: Getting People to Recycle Right: A Design Thinking Methodology—Stephanie Yong, Facilitator
Opening Keynote: Lessons for Local Communities, (no slides), Dr. Neil Seldman, Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Plenary Session — Local Waste Innovators — Lightning Talks
Innovators with solutions to local waste issues each had five minutes to present their great idea.
- Recovering Elements: Extracting Gold from Electronic Waste — Stephen Foley, U of S
- FoodRenew: Renewing Food Waste in the City of Saskatoon — Steven Rau
- Smart Builds & Tiny Homes: Reduced Waste in Architecture — Crystal Bueckert, BLDG Studio
- Textile Waste: Rescuing Vintage Attire — Nicola Tabb, Better Off Duds
- @Do.More.Good: Using Social Media to Persuade Change — Launne Kolla
- Take-Home Volunteering for Office Waste Diversion Programs — Nathan Bruce, Stantec
- Sustainable Grocery Shopping: Refusing Excess Waste — Abigail Mani, Bulk Basket
- Recycling Convenience: SARCAN Drop n Go — Nolan Hubbard-Richards
- Craik Eco-Village: Sustainable Saskatchewan Community — Brent Kreuger
- The Hollows: Sustainable Dining — Christie Peters
- The Library of Things: Borrow Don’t Buy — Meg Dorwart
- Black Fox Farm & Distillery - “Just doing our little part.” — Barb Stefanyshyn-Coté
- Food Recovery : Environmental Protection and Hunger Relief — Lori Nikkel, Second Harvest
- Xeriscaping: Low Water, Low Maintenance Gardening — Bernadette Vangool, Saskatchewan Perennial Society
- Diverting Waste in the City: Curbside Swap Program — Michael Dawe, City of Saskatoon
Concurrent Session A: Cooperative Local Solutions
- The Bike Diversion Project: a Collaboration between the Bridge City Bicycle Co-op and the City of Saskatoon’s Landfill Operations — Pam Groat
- Environmental Benefits of CarSharing — Dave Palibroda, Saskatoon CarShare Cooperative
- How the Cooperative Model enables Waste Reduction — Victoria Morris, Saskatchewan Co-operative Association
Concurrent Session B: Municipal Tools for Waste Reduction
- Trash vs Truth: Pay as You Throw — Sheri Praski, Eco-Strategies
- Waste Diversion Strategy Implementation for Businesses and Organizations in Calgary — Nadine Sauder, City of Calgary
- Retail`s Role in Reducing Waste — John Graham, Retail Council of Canada
Concurrent Session C: Food Waste Workshop — Lori Nikkel,Second Harvest
Concurrent Session D: Using Technology to Solve Local Waste Problems
- Turbo Separator – Food Waste Depackaging System — Kevin Pedretti, Scott Equipment Company
- Technologies to Implode Glass and to Capture Bagged Source-Separated Organics — Matt Risko, Machinex
- Zero Waste and Consumer Products — Jeremy Lang, Pela Cases
Closing Keynote Speaker: Indigenous Perspectives on Sustainability
Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann, University of Saskatchewan
Concurrent Session E: Home Grown Up North
- Northern Saskatchewan & the New Generation: Developing a Strategy to Clean up the Land — Glen Strong, QM Points Contracting
- Take Back the Tundra: Addressing Waste Management in Northern and Remote Indigenous Communities — Lani Warsh, Scout Environmental
- Regional Waste & Recycling in Northern Saskatchewan — Betty Hutchinson, Lac La Ronge Regional Waste Management Authority
Concurrent Session F: Evolving Markets, Evolving Responsibilities
- Plastic Markets (no slides)— Lorenzo Donini, GFL Environmental
- Recycling’s Truth and Reconciliation: The Circular Economy Fix -- Jodi Tomchyshyn London, JTL Squared Consulting
- Plastics in the New World — Joe Hruska, Canadian Plastics Industry Association
Workshop: Conversations with Neil