
May 17-19, 2017
Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon

Waste ReForum 2017 is the joint conference of SWANA Northern Lights and SWRC. Co-Creation is a collaborative process that brings everyone together to develop solutions that work for all of us. The conference will examine the role of waste reduction and waste management in a circular economy and look at ways we all can contribute to arriving at solutions.



Wednesday, May 17

Pre-Conference Workshop -- Circular Economy Lab  --  Chris Lindberg, Natural Step Canada

Workshop: Exploring the world of textile waste -- Sabine Weber, Sustainable Strategies and Solutions

Thursday, May 18

Keynote Speaker -- Building a Local Circular Economy -- Jonathan Pereira, Plant Chicago

Opening Plenary -- The Circular Economy in Practice

Session A -- Improving Landfill Performance

Session B -- Preventing Food Waste 

  Session C -- Keeping Workers Safe

Session D -- Waste Management in Small and Remote Communities

  Session E -- The Next Big Things

  Session F -- Campfire Session on Public Education

  • Design your own recycling program from the very beginning in this interactive session.  Participants will be grouped together and given a recycling stream with the task of creating an effective recycling program.  How will a system be designed that suits the needs of all stakeholders, and how do we communicate it effectively?

Friday May 19

Keynote Speaker -- The Whitecap Story  -- Chief Darcy Bear, Whitecap Dakota First Nation

Session G -- Technological Considerations for Processing Organics

  Session H -- Provinical Ministry updates

Session I -- Co-Creating a Clean Stream -- Tackling Contamination


Waste ReForum 2017 is bullfrogpowered with 100% green electricity.
