Life without plastic wrap

Taking something to a potluck? What do you cover it in? Probably plastic wrap. Getting fruit ready for an outdoor party? How do you cover it until party time? Probably plastic wrap. Sending a plate of leftovers home with a relative? How will you cover that? Oh…you get the gist. Plastic food wrap has become an incredibly convenient way to cover things up quickly, and keep them fresh. The sad part is, that most of that wrap is likely to wind up in the garbage. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If plastic wrap is your waste-reduction weakness, let me show you the simple solutions we use to avoid it.
Potlucks and leftovers:
Over the last few years I have made sure that I only buy glass bake-ware or mixing and storage bowls that come with reusable plastic lids. This means that I can store leftovers right in the pan, or bake-and-take to a potluck, using the same reusable lids over and over. The added bonus to doing it this way is that the lids are much more sturdy than wrap, so you can stack containers and not worry about smushing what’s inside. And, just in case you’re accident prone like me, most companies sell replacement lids in case you lose, break or melt one. It happens…
Covering food outside:
We love to entertain guests in our backyard in the summer, but aren’t very fond of bugs in our food. The solid lids for our glassware containers would keep bugs out, but they make it hard to see what’s being served. Instead of using clear plastic wrap, my amazing mother-in-law got me a set of reusable mesh bug screen covers! Now I can get food ready for an outdoor event and cover it – no wrap needed. She got me a set with three sizes. A quick look online reveals there are many different sizes, styles and even colours to choose from. Maybe you’ll even want to give them as a gift yourself!
Care packages:
Came for dinner but your spouse couldn’t make it? I love sending home a care package with leftovers – but I hate having to hound people to get my containers back. Instead of going for a paper plate and plastic wrap, I fill up a reused container. I keep a few reusable food containers on hand, such as the ones from yoghurt or salad greens. That way I have a sturdy container to send along with someone, but I don’t need to get it back. Works just as well for baking too.
Covering a personal bowl:
A friend got me another great gift – a silicone bowl topper. If there is food leftover in a bowl (oh let’s just say, my kid’s, as a random example) I can place the lid on the bowl directly and put it in the fridge. That way I don’t have to transfer it to another container with a snap on lid. The silicone topper is soft enough that it creates an airtight seal and food stays fresh. Silicone lids are easily found online in lots of colours and sizes, but I have also seen them locally at London Drugs.
These are the methods that I use to avoid plastic wrap, but I’m curious - what are yours? Are there other things you use plastic wrap for, and want a reusable alternative? Join the conversation below.